1. Ready to start Recycling? Find any recycled box large enough to hold your empty ink cartridges. (Hang on to your old amazon boxes and use for ink cartridge recycling.)
2. Place in some packing materials to keep your empty cartridges from getting damaged.
3. Sort and pack your cartridges in the box. Please pack them tightly to avoid damage during shipping.
4. Add in all your cartridges and prepare your box for UPS. Remember to check your email and print your free PDF shipping label.
Can I get money for my empty ink cartridges?
Yes. InkRecycling.org will pay you money, up to $3 for each empty ink cartridge you mail in. Sign up and use our online empty cartridge trade in program for free. We send you money in 30 days or sooner for your empty cartridges. InkRecycling.org runs the most trusted ink cartridge for cash trade in program. InkRecycling.org inspects every empty cartridge and sends you Money for them. We recycle thousands of cartridges each month and allow anyone to participate in the ink cartridge cash trade in program. We've been recycling for over 7 years and are backed by our InkRecycling guarantee. We send you money in 30 days or sooner for your empty cartridges.
How much can you get for used ink cartridges?
You can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars with our cash for ink cartridge trade in program. The minimum payout starts at $20 to qualify for free shipping. InkRecycling.org will send you money every month in the form of a check. Big-box office-supply stores like OfficeDepot only have recycling reward programs for store credit (in other words office depot and staples DO NOT give you cash for your recycling efforts). These stores only give you limited credit for each qualifying cartridge that you turn in, up to a maximum of 10 empty cartridges per month. InkRecycling.org has no limit on recycling!
How does the Cartridge Trade-in Program work?
Answer a few simple questions to start the cartridge Trade in program. Choose the empty cartridges you have and get your trade in estimate. Once complete we'll email you a free shipping label. Trade in your empty ink cartridges for money, we recycle it even if your cartridge isn’t eligible for credit, we’ll recycle it for free. We can turn it into something good for the planet.
How long does it take to receive a check?
We process every payment promptly within 30 days of inspection. Expect to see a check in your mailbox regardless of requesting payment. Feel free to email or call us if you have any payment questions.
Where can I recycle used cartridges?
Once you've collected your empty cartridges, go to InkRecycling.org to ger an instant trade-in estimate. We'll email you a free shipping label once your answered a few questions about your cartridge trade-in. After, you can drop off your ready to ship box of cartridges at the closest UPS.
What is an empty inkjet cartridge?
An empty inkjet cartridge can be described as used cartridge or a cartridge that has ran out of ink. i.e. your printer tells you to change your cartridge because the ink is low.
Are my empty inkjet cartridges worth cash?
Yes! Your empty inkjet cartridges are worth cash. Save as many as you can and please visit our list of empty cartridges to see how much yours are worth.
How do I start recycling for cash?
You can start earning cash for your inkjet cartridges by signing up on our website. After you sign up you can log in and sell your empty printer cartridges to us right away.
Does it cost any money to use the website?
No. our website is 100% FREE to use. We pay the shipping and we send you a check. Please feel free to signup and start recycling for free.
What if I have additional questions, is there a number I could call?
Yes. Please contact us any time via Live Chat, or use our customer service hot line to call if you have any additional questions. 1-818-338-5608
Where can I find the price/buyback list of empty cartridges?
Click on the “Our Prices” link at the top of every page on the website. You can also click on this link to go to Recycling Price List
How can I check the status on my payment? According to you guys it was already mailed.
The easiest way to check on your payment is to login and click on “My Orders”. You will see your order history and payment status there. We pride ourselves on quick and timely payment. Our accounting department works diligently every day to make sure each and every one of our customers receives payment on time.
I have several expired inkjet cartridges, the model numbers are..........they are inside the original packaging, how much do you pay for them?
You will receive the same credit for every trade in cartridge as long as they are not damaged or remanufactured. That's it. We do not offer any additional credit for cartridges inside their original packaging.
I don’t need any cash back, I just want to recycle my cartridges. Can I send them to you, if so what is the address?
You can still recycle your inkjet cartridges by signing up on our website. After you sign up you can log in and donate your empty printer cartridges.
Are remanufactured inkjet cartridges eligible for payment?
Unfortunately we do not offer credit for remanufactured cartridges
How long does inspection take? According to UPS my shipment was delivered.
Please allow approximately 30 days for Inspection from the day of arrival.
We are located outside the U.S., can we participate in recycling for cash?
No. You must have a valid address within the USA to recycle your ink cartridges for cash.
How do I request a payment?
No need to request a payment. We process every payment promptly within 30 days of inspection. Expect to see a check in your mailbox regardless of requesting payment. Feel free to email or call us if you have any payment questions.
I am interested in starting a recycling program for my school, how do I get started?
You can email or call us to request FREE boxes, flyers or other supplies. Our recycling team will set up a custom recycling program for your school or classroom 100% FREE
I have no school or business, can I still recycle with you guys?
Yes. Anyone can sign up for free. Please log on our website and recycle all of your empty cartridges for cash.
Click "Recycle Ink Cartridges" to browse the list of cartridges we accept. Use our Easy Online Estimator to start with our Trade in Program. We'll get you a cash estimate instantly.
After you complete the online estimator. We will email you a PRE-PAID shipping Label. All you need to do is print the label and attach it to your box of empty cartridges
Quick and Easy payment - We'll Send You Money! Expect a check from us within 30 days. We take care of the rest. Your empty cartridge may be worth more than you think.